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Jackie Voutsinas

Prior Lift Marketing Personnel.

B2B Social Media Strategy Crash Course Post #3: LinkedIn

For the third post in my “B2B Social Media Strategy Crash Course” series, I’ll be focusing on how B2B companies can succeed on LinkedIn. If you missed my last post about Twitter you can check it out here, or see my first post about general B2B social media best practices here. Honestly, LinkedIn didn’t come naturally to me the way that Twitter did. I’ve been using Twitter since 2009 (not for business, but frequently enough that I knew the platform like the back of my hand -- so when it was time...

B2B Social Media Strategy Crash Course Post #2: Twitter Focus

For the second post in my “B2B Social Media Strategy Crash Course” series, I’ll be focusing on how...

How To Implement A Social Media Strategy That Works For B2B

You’ve read it a thousand times – social media is an essential aspect of any B2B organization’s...

Cinco Reasons to Run Your Blog Like You’re Hosting A Party

When was the last time you went to a really epic party? What made it so great? Were you surprised...

So Your Company Royally Screwed Up On Social Media… What Now?

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today’s flight. I’d like to direct your attention to the...

Content Creation vs Curation: Which Is Better For B2B Lead Generation?

Content marketing can be difficult for any B2B sales organization. A lot of time and effort must be...

5 Steps to Take Advantage of Newsjacking to Fuel Your Content Marketing

Imagine you’re scrolling through your news feed on your favorite social media site or going through...

25 Motivational Quotes for B2B Sales & Marketing Professionals

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”–Confucius St. Patrick’s Day is a...

10 Ways To Beat The Dreaded Creativity Block

So you’re taking the necessary steps to create killer content and you’re finally starting to...

How Do You Get A HiPPO to Listen to Your B2B Content Marketing Ideas?

While a significant percentage of you, our Demand Creator Blog’s audience, might be responsible for...