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Doug Davidoff

Keys to Effective Sales - Go Deeper

I don’t remember where I read this, but I found it very insightful – the only value that exists in a library lies in the books you haven’t read. The point is that books that you’ve already read are no longer valuable because you’ve already learned from them – the real value lies in what you don’t know.

Losing Your Brand

Your brand is your lifeblood. I’ve written before (as have many others), your brand is not what you...

Starbucks Taking a Shortcut Into The Commoditization Trap

Growth is tough. As the saying goes, "the higher you go, the greater the fall." It's no secret that...

An Agency That Gets It - And An Ad That Doesn't

I'm in York, PA getting ready to speak with a group of 15 CEOs about how to create demand in...

The 5 Critical Principles to an Effective Marketing/Growth Strategy

Let’s face it – most marketing efforts implemented by companies fail to provide any material...

Now "Tweeting" on Twitter

Well, when I first heard about it, I thought it was silly. Who in the world (that is actually...

Why Salespeople Fail

I remember the childhood joke that the only thing worse than finding a worm in your apple is...

A Valuable Thought

Information is no longer an advantage; nor is access to it. Now, it's the ability and speed to...

Communication Keys

One of my fellow Washington Business Journal columnists, Craig Stoltz, has created eight “rules”...

Are You Losing Enough Business

I was talking with a executive from a company whose growth had stalled. I asked them how they...