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Doug Davidoff

Is Harvard Business School Relevant

Many entrepreneurs have wondered about the relevancy of the good, old MBA. Talking about such relevance in business is often the equivalent of talking religion or politics at a dinner party or Mac vs. Windows at an IT convention.

What Saving Detroit Doesn't Teach

I get nervous when I hear the conversation about what needs to happen to "save Detroit." I'm going...

The Bailout Translation

Those who can't do - teach.

Salesperson + Sales Manager = Failure

I realize that I am not the first person to say that you cannot effectively combine the role of...

Damn The Recession - Full Speed Ahead

I'm reminded of a story told to me about how the military trains their troops for urban warfare. I...

David Brooks Is Right Again

Having been a financial advisor, I've developed my own way of viewing the markets. While the...

Getting Beat Up

Growth is tough. It's tough in good times - it's even tougher in challenging times like we are in...

The Formula To Calculate Total Cost

Cost = Price plus consequences.

And Now Back To Our Normal Programming

Congratulations Barrack Obama. Regardless of your political opinion, the past two years are...

Defining Your Field of Play

In The Five Unbreakable Rules for Creating Demand, I share that the first unbreakable rule is to:...