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Doug Davidoff

The Biggest Danger Facing Your Business

I recently wrote about the television show House and how the arc of the show is a great metaphor for what it takes to grow. Last night, I was watching an episode, and one of his apprentices froze because they were afraid that making a mistake could worsen the patient’s condition, and possibly even kill him.

Kill Differentiation

For quite some time, the word differentiation has been driving me crazy. Similar to the term...

Start With What Matters

I have news (or at least what appears to be news) for most businesses out there - your prospects...

What We Should All Learn From Morton's

Those who know me know I loves me some good quality steak – especially a medium rare New York...

If You Can’t Grow – Buy?

Today, the announcement came that Pfizer is buying Wyeth for $68 billion. While the normal spin is...

Positioning Your Website For Success

Recently, a client asked me for advice on the strategy of their website. I’ve written about the...

Is It A Relationship or an Acquaintance-ship?

I was talking with a client and friend of mine about the challenges facing salespeople today. We...

Stimulus or Growth

With all of the (much needed) talk about how we are going to stimulate the economy and attempt to...

Become Irreplacable

Consultants (myself included) have a tendency to make things more complicated than they often need...

The Brand Called You Is Dead...

An excellent post from Rick Liebling at Eyecube on the philosophy of The Brand Called You. His take...