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Doug Davidoff

The Urge to Merge

It should be no surprise to readers of The Fast Growth Blog that I am not a fan of mergers. Today’s latest “we’ll get stronger by merging” announcement between Merck and Schering Plough prompts today’s thoughts.

The Obvious

I've been thinking a lot of the title of a book. Three months ago on a trip to visit a client in...

Change It Up

Okay, I think the world is beginning to take itself too seriously. It's time to relax, let up, turn...

The Formula for 100% Closing Rates

Everyday, I see companies and salespeople in constant "convince mode." Why should you buy from us?...

Selling Mistakes In A Recession

Last week, I was sent a query from a reporter doing a story on the mistakes salespeople make during...

Reigniting Your Growth Engine

The most important thing you can do for your business right now is to start reconfiguring it for...

Be Foolish

I love speaking to CEOs who have a growth mentality. They face the same challenges everyone else...

The New Marketing Funnel In Action

In my last post, I introduced The New Marketing Funnel and defined the phases of the process. In...

The New Marketing Funnel

The marketing function (at least as most business executives define it) has been undergoing...

Strategy Without Accountability Is Daydreaming

I was talking with a friend of mine, who is also a business owner. He was kvetching about some...