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Doug Davidoff

Increasing Confidence

Kelly Spors, the Wall Street Journal Small Biz columnist, is leading a panel A Small Business Survival Guide to the New Economy. She sent out via twitter a request for good questions to lead the panel off with. I recommended, "What can a small business owner do to create confidence for themselves and their employees when soooo much is uncertain?" Kelly liked the question and turned it on me. Given that twitter only allows 140 characters in response, I thought I'd reply via this blog.

Thank You

As readers of this blog know, my father passed away on Thursday, March 19th. I've gotten so many...

The Inspiration for Fast Growth

I work very hard to ensure that this blog focuses on the issues facing fast growth businesses. To...

Be Useful

I heard some of the most powerful advice for any growth oriented executive or salesperson:

Is Obama Stimulating The Wrong Small Businesses

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting take on Obama's recent small business stimulus plan. My...

Let's Go Crazy

We’re in a war for business today. Any reader of this blog knows that I am by no means a...

The Truth About Innovation

I’ve always been a fan of innovation. I firmly believe that innovation is at the core for all value...

Activity vs. Progress

I'm seeing it all over the place - desperation. The quiet desperation of an entrepreneur or...

Buffet: 4 Keys to Business Success

I finally had some time to catch up on some reading and I finished one of my favorite annual...

Stop Tweaking & Start Succeeding

Steve Yastrow's newsletter today was so on the mark that it's scary. If you are at all serious...