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Doug Davidoff

Building A Moat Around Your Margins

For more than twenty years I’ve talked about the effects of commoditization and working with small and mid-market companies to grow revenues and margins despite commoditization.

You Don't Sell What You Think You Sell

I realize I’m about to induce headaches, but it’s critical you stay with me. I’m losing sleep,...

1st Quarter Check-In

At the beginning of the year, I asked you to take a 90-Day Snapshot of your first quarter. I asked...

Lead Generation for Small & Mid-Market B2B Businesses

The Most Powerful Question

If you could get your prospects to ponder any question, what question would best position your...

Beyond Price

Earlier this week, I wrote that the price you charge for your products and services is the signal...

Being Liked vs. Being Valued

Editor's Note: This blog has since been updated as of August 2022. The entire concept of...

Price Is A Signal

It has always amazed me how selling organizations and salespeople deal with the emotional aspects...

Don't Close Too Early

The single biggest, and most common, mistake salespeople make is attempting to close business too...

Just Be Relevant