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Doug Davidoff

A Letter From Your Customer

Jill Konrath just released her newest book SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today's Frazzled Customers. Jill was kind enough to provide me with an advance copy and I've just finished reading the book and it is one of the few books that clearly gets and addresses the issues of dealing with buyers in today's Drought.

Roadmap to Success

This book review originally appeared in Baltimore and Washington SmartCEO Magazine June 2010 issue.

Differentiation Is Not Enough

Let's be honest. While you may provide your customers with the "best" option, the reality is that...

Are You Excited?!

On the advice of a client, I've started reading Peter Schutz's The Driving Force: Getting...

Getting Past Awkward

Interlock the fingers of your two hands together. Look down to see which fingers are on top – your...

Solutions Are Worth Nothing

If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you know that I’ve talked a lot about the need to...

3 Steps to Superior Performance

I had a very interesting conversation with a CEO attendee at one of my speeches. He’s built an...

Fridays With Vistage

Many of you know that I regularly speak to Vistage groups around the country. For me, it's a great...

Promise, Pitch & Pray

Increasingly, over the last twenty years “Promise, Pitch & Pray,” has become the battle cry of the...

Growth Barrier 2: Focus On Margin Growth

In my first Growth Barriers post, I discussed how your competition is irrelevant and how to tell if...