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Doug Davidoff

Value Over Replacement of Salespeople

One of the things that I love about competitive sports is the ability to measure success. Wins and losses...Hits...Errors...Goals scored...Goals given up...Averages...and on and on. Those are the obvious ones. If you've ever read the book Moneyball you know that the obvious numbers aren't always the best measurements. Too often numbers like hits, runs or home runs measure correlation with success rather than causes.


Last weekend, while coaching my son's baseball team, one of our pitchers asked me about some of my...

The Bowling Alley

In bowling, if you want a strike you don't focus on all ten pins; you focus on only one or two. In...

Once Doesn't Cut It

Hey, let send out a email blast. Let's host a webinar. Why don't we open a Twitter account? All...

Can You Hire Salespeople?

Have you ever noticed that conversation topics tend to occur in bunches? This week the conversation...

Stop Differentiating - Start Enchanting

This book review originally appeared in Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia SmartCEO Magazine...

Your Message Is Not What You Say

As a result of a very successful first quarter, I'm in the midst of working with several new...

I Don't Care About Strikeouts

With no offense to casual baseball fans; one thing that annoys me about them is that they only pay...

Beating The Typewriter (Part 2)

Yesterday, I shared the challenges associated with selling new and better products/services. I...

Beating The Typewriter (Part 1)

Imagine selling word processors, when the IBM Selectric typewriter with self correcting tape was...