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Doug Davidoff

Simon Sinek Is Wrong!

I'm a big fan of Simon Sinek's concept, Start with Why. I even shared his TEDx presentation on this blog. However, I feel as though it's time to get something off my chest - Sinek is wrong. DON'T START WITH WHY! Instead, start with “who.” The most powerful question every business executive can ask, every day, is "Who do we want to be a hero to?"

The Pull of Commoditization: Good news & bad news

The bad news first: Gravity is against you. The gravitational pull of commoditization is constantly...

Are Apple's Days Ending?

There's an interesting article in USA Today about Apple's future. The author, Michael Wolff, cites...

The Secret to Breaking Free From Commoditization

My very first post on this blog was about the challenges every business faces caused by the...

Thoughts on Fear

Last week I was speaking before a CEO group. The leader of the group started the meeting off with a...

The Single Step to Double Your Closing Impact

I remember it like yesterday. There were 600 people in the crowd, and I was center-stage where...

Creating B2B Lead Generation Campaigns That Work

Unequivocally, it is time to focus on growing revenue. To do that, businesses must transform their...

Your Sales Presentation Is Commoditizing You!

We’ve all been there, and we’ve all done it more times than we’d like to admit. Like pulling out...

Should Social Media Be Part of Your Strategy?

I guess it’s time to start talking about social media here. Over the last three months the...

Focus On The Problem

It amazes me how much time people spend developing, understanding and explaining their solutions,...