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Doug Davidoff

B2B Lead Generation: Ramp Up Your Authority

Primary research reports establish your “voice of authority” Are you a data and statistics fan? Does your company do a significant enough volume of business that, over time, you’ve collected enough pertinent information to accurately map industry trends, consumer patterns and marketing results? Well, if the facts you’ve gathered, collated and interpreted are of interest to you, odds are they will be to others in your industry as well. Publishing and sharing this information helps brand you as...

Eliminate The Disruption That Drags Down B2B Sales Growth

Have your Sales & Marketing divisions been waging a silent war over the years—battling for...

The Key To Scaling Growth: Integrate Outbound with Inbound Marketing

Never - ever - make a Cold Call again. In countless surveys addressing the effectiveness of sales...

5 Easy Tips to Use Blogs to Energize Your B2B Lead Generation Approach

“Blog.” Now there’s one of those words that didn’t even exist a little more than a decade ago. In...

The 7 Questions to Answer to Be Ready for Next Year

Year-end strategies for a successful 2014 As Thanksgiving approaches and a holiday mindset kicks...

In B2B Sales, Context is Everything

Content. Ever since the Worldwide Web became an emerging marketplace for products and trade,...

Increase Your Win Rate: 5 Ways to Know Your Customer Better

Whoever coined the phrase “familiarity breeds contempt” was certainly not a salesperson. In today’s...

Beyond Lead Generation: Utilizing LinkedIn Throughout the B2B Sales Cycle

Social media often gets touted as the go-to method for generating leads. However, professional...

Transform Your Sales Approach to Multiply Your Win Rate

There is a tremendous opportunity for selling organizations that move aggressively and adapt to the...

Using Inbound Marketing to Close More Sales

You wouldn't know there's a new world going on in marketing if you were stuck to the phone making...