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Doug Davidoff

Accelerate The Sales Cycle By Creating The Epiphany

Leading new customers to that “a-ha” moment There’s a moment in a customer’s typical buying cycle that has long been under-valued, if not completely ignored, by the average sales professional. It’s what has become known as “The Epiphany Phase.” It’s the moment when an individual or company is right on the cusp of realizing that they have a problem that requires a solution. They may not fully understand this problem—in fact, they may have misdiagnosed it completely, but they recognize that...

Sneak Peak: The Secret To Standing Out In The B2B Sales Crowd

In a copy-cat world, full of products and services that sound and feel like each other, how do you...

Turning Content into Social Media Updates To Increase Lead Generation

Re-purpose your resources, reach out and reap additional rewards We trust that content marketing...

To Close More B2B Sales...Stop Closing

Navigating the new “seller beware” world One of those “touchy-feely” expressions that emerged in...

CRASH COURSE 4: Being Social & Going Mobile

There is a clear line of demarcation in the world of mass-communication, and odds are, you are on...

3 Ways Salespeople Can Use Content to Close Sales Faster

“Why pound a nail into a board with a hammer when you’ve got a perfectly good fist?” The scenario...

The Unprocess Process

"If you only do things where you know the answer in advance, your company goes away." - Jeff Bezos...

To Close More Sales There Are 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Listen to Your Customer

"It's not the customer's job to know what they want." - Steve Jobs Common business wisdom dictates...

If You Want to Shorten Your Sales Cycle, Slow It Down

After witnessing thousands of sales calls, and advising clients on thousands more, I can...

When It Comes to B2B Lead Generation Time Matters...A Lot

When you’ve got prospects on(the)line, seconds count “Time is of the essence.” That poetic...