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Doug Davidoff

Why Sales Enablement Is The Wrong Focus for B2B Sales

Repeat after me: "The customer has all of the control." "I embrace this fact." It’s official, the days of caveat emptor (buyer beware) are now over, and caveat vendit (seller beware) is the rule of law. And while most leaders and executives acknowledge this intellectually, they’re still fighting it emotionally. Chief among my concerns is the increasing focus on the idea of sales enablement strategies, technologies, and tools. The idea behind this is a noble one. The goal is to increase the...

How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Process Improvement Mistakes and Generate Better Outcomes

Process design, including its optimization and implementation, is a core discipline for Revenue...

The 7 Phases of the Growth Life Cycle

I love maps. That’s because a good map enables you to plan, anticipate and adjust effectively. It’s...

The Problem with Forecasting: Why Sales Isn’t Working Today

The dominant approach to sales forecasting - in which every deal in a pipeline is assigned a...

There's A New Game, And Winning It Requires A New Mindset & Approach

Note from the editor: The following post is an excerpt from The Revenue Acceleration Manifesto. You...

What Is System Design & Why It's Crucial For Smart Growth

I find myself thinking about something that Brian Halligan, CEO at HubSpot, said in his inbound...

You're Likely Measuring Your Email Wrong (& It's Killing Your Engagement)

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m an avid (some would say insane) fan of baseball. If you’ve ever...

5 Tips to Re-engage a Stalled Sale

It’s probably the most frustrating thing that happens to salespeople, and for many salespeople, it...

The 5 Dominant Sales & Marketing Trends That Will Determine Tomorrow's Winners

Note from the editor: The following post is an excerpt from The Revenue Acceleration Manifesto. You...

The Most Important Lesson I Learned In Sales

As a salesperson, your job is not to make sales. Let me repeat that (with some emphasis). If you’re...