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Doug Davidoff

3 Above the Funnel Tactics To Win The B2B Sale

One of the great sales paradoxes that I’ve confronted is that the best time to influence someone is before they realize they need something; and once someone realizes they need something, they’re much more difficult to influence. This condition is amplified in a Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) world where once someone knows they want something, everything they could want is just a click (or two or three) away. While the customer is often not capable (or at least qualified) to effectively curate all...

36 Questions Any B2B Salesperson Can Use to Shorten Their Sales Cycle

It's no secret that great questions are the key to shortening the B2B sales cycle. That mystery was...

The Key to Solving the B2B Sales Problem

When I started Imagine in 2004, my vision was all about building a world-changing sales advisory,...

The 4 Questions You Need To Answer At The Top of The Funnel

As more B2B sales organizations of all sizes and industries are realizing the importance of...

The Data Behind Inbound Marketing

I’ve always been a fan of W. Edwards Deming. I always chuckle a bit when I hear about the latest...

5 Legitimate Reasons Not to Pursue Inbound Marketing

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn's pulse. It’s not a secret that I’m a huge fan of Inbound...

Content Marketing: Can You Outsource Your Social Media?

Yesterday a conversation was started in one of the LinkedIn groups I’m active with. Here was the...

10 Lessons For Your Annual B2B Sales & Marketing Plan

Aaah, November. A time where the temperature gets cooler, the football games get more serious and...

5 Sure-Fire Ways Salespeople Can Frustrate Marketing

On Tuesday I shared 5 Sure-Fire Ways For Marketing to Frustrate Sales. I’ve received several emails...

5 Sure-Fire Ways For Marketing To Frustrate Sales

I still find it ironic that today I spend the vast majority of my time addressing the marketing...