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Doug Davidoff

People Won't Open My Emails & Other Content Marketing Myths

A few weeks ago, I was talking with a CMO who had just started with his company. He was seeking my opinions on digital and inbound marketing. After I finished running through the approach and the math behind inbound, he responded by saying, in effect, “Yeah, I just don’t think it will work. You’ve seen the studies and people are overwhelmed with email and they just won’t read it anymore.” Let’s put aside the fact that he had no data to back up his assertions; his sentiment is one that I’ve...

7 Stats On Why You Better Be on the Inbound Marketing Bandwagon

Leaving Inbound 2014, one thing was clear - inbound marketing is no longer a competitive advantage....

Avoid This Killer Mistake When Growing B2B Sales

Last week I was talking with a prospect about launching a comprehensive inbound marketing effort to...

3 Insights Into Effectively Managing Sales Development Reps (SDRs)

While there’s nothing new about SDRs, the focus and popularity of the approach is increasing...

5 Components of An Effective Lead Management Process

This post originally appeared on HubSpot's marketing blog. Inbound marketing is a powerful...

Why Your Content Is Killing Your Lead Generation (SlideShare)

When companies begin developing content they tend to get very excited. Afterall it's quite an...

5 Actions to Multiply Your Inbound Marketing Results

Increasingly I've noticed a battle between the old paradigm and the new as inbound marketing...

Is Inbound Marketing Enough To Drive Your Sales Growth?

I don’t know if it’s selective perception or if the issue has hit it’s tipping point, but over the...

The 5 Things You Should Know About Your Competitors

I’m not a big fan of paying a lot of attention to your competitors in the B2B sales process. I’ve...

To Sell or Not To Sell...That Is The Question

A fascinating conversation emerged on Twitter last night, initiated by a post on LinkedIn titled,...