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Doug Davidoff

The Difference Between Demand Generation & Lead Generation

Recently, I’ve heard a lot more conversation about demand generation and lead generation than I have for some time. Unfortunately, it’s been caused by people treating the terms like synonyms. While this is certainly a topic where I get more geeked up than the average businessperson, the difference is important enough that everyone involved in growing a business should understand it.

9 Lead Generation Strategies to End Your Year Strong

It’s hard to believe that we’re in the last week of summer (if, as I do, you consider Labor Day the...

How To Design Your B2B Prospecting Approach to Achieve Consistent, High Value Results

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked a question in a forum I participate in about how we build our...

Utilizing Growth Driven Design to Add Personalization To Your Website

Six weeks ago, I wrote a post on utilizing a growth driven design approach to manage your website....

Strong Process Is Crucial To Top Performance

Joe Maddon, the manager of the Chicago Cubs (who are threatening to make the playoffs for the first...

What Happens After You Get An Inbound Lead

So the leads have started to come in. Qualified prospects are downloading your whitepapers,...

How To Deal With A Negative Online Presence

I had an interesting experience today. I was presenting to a group of CEOs about how to take a...

10 Must Read Business Books

I’ve always been an avid reader of books. Having owned a business for the vast majority of my...

Looking to Accelerate Sales Growth? Understanding Your Costs Is Key

This post originally appeared on the HubSpot Marketing Blog. I have an admission to make. I’m a...

Using Emails Effectively in B2B Prospecting – Part 2 (The Four Types)

On Monday, I shared five rules for creating effective B2B sales prospecting emails. Today I’m...