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Doug Davidoff

5 Tactics to Dramatically Increase Your Win Rate

One of the most important sales metrics to monitor is your win rate. A small improvement in your win rate can have a major impact on your bottom line. Before getting to how to systemically increase it, let’s first agree on a clear definition: Win rate is often confused as a synonym for closing rate, but it’s actually quite different. Win rate represents the result of your total sales efforts and is a much more effective measurement to track. Now, let’s get to what you can do to increase yours.

5 Reasons Your Email Marketing Isn’t Working

Email is an important component of any demand generation strategy. A survey of marketers...

Six Reasons Lead Scoring May Not Work for You

There seems to be increased interest surrounding how to effectively apply lead scoring to an...

[Free Tool Template]  The 3x3 Sales Matrix

Two of the toughest decisions in an effective sales process are how to best enter an opportunity,...

Want to Shorten Your Sales Cycle? Start By Mapping The Decision Journey

One of the most common (and costly) mistakes that I see strong companies make is that they’re...

The Five Lessons Everybody in Sales Should Learn From Columbo

Last week while I was enjoying a relaxing weekend, I noticed that one network was having a marathon...

Sales Development vs. Appointment Setting: The Difference

I ran into an old friend a few weeks ago and as we were catching up and I was telling him what...

5 Important Takeaways From Inbound15

Just getting back into the swing of things after spending last week at the Inbound 2015 conference....

HubSpot Announces Several Enhancements to Their Platform

This week marks another Inbound conference and another memorable keynote from HubSpot founders...

Why I’m Speaking About Sales Development At The Inbound 2015 Conference

I have to admit that I’ve been looking forward to this year’s Inbound conference. As usual I’m...