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Doug Davidoff

The 6 Tools That are the Foundation of any Sales & Marketing Technology Stack

The difference between good demand generation efforts and great is increasingly reliant on the technology you’re using and how you’re using it. If strong, consistent growth is important to you, you must be sure that your technology strategy is as strong as your sales and marketing strategy. There are two common mistakes made by growth organizations when building their technology stack: Failure to adequately embrace technology to support important functions. This degrades efficiencies and leads...

7 Easy Ways to Screw Up Your Demand Generation Strategy

Demand generation, like so many other things, takes intense strategy, focus and discipline to...

5 Inbound Marketing and Demand Generation Observations from HubSpot Partner Day

I think I’ve recovered from my latest visit to Boston for HubSpot’s annual get together for their...

3 Strategies to Make Your Product Easy to Sell

Those who know me well know that there are five things that I absolutely love: sales, marketing,...

How to Create an Editorial Philosophy that Drives Sticky Content

Have you ever stopped to think about what makes a publication a publication? Unless you’re involved...

5 Keys to Starting an Effective Sales Development Team

One of the hottest trends in sales today is the utilization of sales development as a key tactic in...

6 Rules To Write Cold Emails That Stick

A short while back, I wrote about some of the worst cold emails I’ve received. Unfortunately there...

[Video] The Most Important Metric to Predict Growth

We talk a lot about metrics at Imagine. There are some good reasons for it. Among others, it's one...

1997 Steve Jobs Video Provides The Secret Marketers Have Been Looking For

When I speak with sales or marketing executives on the topic of demand generation, I often give a...

How to Fix the Growing Conflict Between Sellers and Buyers

As I’ve written before, the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) has fueled dramatic changes in how the...