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Doug Davidoff

5 Rules for Asking Effective Sales Questions

For as long as people have been training others to sell, one precept of effective selling has stood out as an inviolate principle: questions are the key to success for salespeople. I don’t think I’ve ever attended a sales training workshop or read a book addressing sales that didn’t put the ability to ask effective questions at (or at least near) the top of the keys to success. This post is certainly not going to take issue with the principle of effective questions, but rather the nature of,...

5 Tactics to Shorten Your Sales Cycle

According to BrightFunnel, a marketing intelligence platform for B2B selling, deals are more...

4 Books to Read Before the End of the Summer

The dog days of summer have arrived, and that means fireworks, some time at the beach (or wherever...

My Market Isn't That Big...Does Inbound Still Work?

A topic has come up repeatedly in conversations that I’m having with executives. They’re sharing...

[VIDEO] Five Tactics to Finish 2016 Strong

Where did the time go? It seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago when 2016 was just getting...

3 Ugly Truths About Inbound Marketing

While it’s no secret that I’m a big fan of inbound marketing, I like to consider myself a...

What is Account Based Marketing - and Does it Matter?

Legendary money-manager Peter Lynch was fond of sharing his favorite indicator of whether the stock...

Happy Birthday HubSpot + 5 Demand Generation Predictions

Last Friday was HubSpot’s 10th birthday, which means it was also the roughly 10th birthday for the...

The 5 Most Common Mistakes Made by Veteran Inbound Marketers

Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on the HubSpot Marketing Blog. As a part of our...

5 Ways to Kill a Strong Blog

A few weeks ago, Stacy wrote an entertaining post providing several reasons that you should quit...