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Doug Davidoff

Five Reasons Good Sales & Marketing Messages Fail

Messaging gets a lot - A LOT - of attention from both marketers and sales executives. For good reason too. An effective message is like a large lever (give me a lever long enough and I can move the world). Conversely a poor message will thrust you into a thorny patch of commoditization and irrelevance. As you’d expect with something as important as a company’s messaging, significant time and money is spent on the effort. But stop for a moment and do the following: Look at your website Review...

5 Priorities for Every Demand Generation Executive's List in 2017

The fresh air of a new year. Anything is possible and confidence is running high. I’ve always found...

A Visit from the Ghosts of Business Past, Present & Future

When I was in elementary school, I was in the drama club. My 5th grade year, I was Jacob Marley in...

3 Go-to Emails I Use to Advance B2B Sales Opportunities

December has always been a fascinating month for me. Filled with the anticipation of what the next...

How to Assess the Effectiveness of Your Sales & Marketing Content

Sales and marketing organizations create a tremendous amount of content, virtually everyday. In...

5 Reasons B2B Salespeople Fail to Use CRM Effectively

It amazes me how often the topic of CRM adoption is raised. I remember when I first got involved in...

3 Criteria to Assess the Effectiveness of Your Sales Process

I was talking with a prospect a few weeks ago about his (lack of) sales process. He took exception...

[Video] What You Need To Know When Launching or Revising Your Growth Playbook

A few weeks ago I shared an article here on the Six Stages of a Successful Growth Strategy. The...

Happy Thanksgiving - Enjoy

It's that time of year again. Have a great Thanksgiving and make sure you take some time to...

5 Key Takeaways from Inbound 2016

Another year, another Inbound conference. This year’s gathering of inbound marketers and...