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Doug Davidoff

Website Not Performing? 4 Ideas to Make it More Effective

Remember life before the Internet? When you had to physically go to the library to research a topic from an actual book; or you had to use the paper phone book, find a business number, and call them to gather additional information? I hate to show my age here, but some of you may not have these memories (oh, to be young!) Fast forward to 2017. The internet holds the pulse of communication, and your B2B web page is the lifeblood of your business’ success. Without it, how would your customers and...

3 Ways Salespeople Can Use Social Media to Sell Better

Take a quick minute to think through your last online purchase…how did you hear about the item? Was...

Landing Pages Not Getting Converted? Here's What to Do About It

In Hubspot’s State of Inbound 2016 , both inbound and outbound marketing teams consider “converting...

The Importance of Blogging: 6 Keys to Writing Effective Blog Posts

Have you started blogging yet? No? You may be the only person left. I recently learned that 6.7MM...

5 Pointers that Will Improve Your Lead Nurturing

Spring is in the air! It seems very appropriate to examine your lead nurturing program…are you...

Checklist: 4 Reasons that Marketing & Sales Emails Are Failing

There’s a lot of talk about the death of email as a marketing or sales tool. Everywhere I go, I...

Understanding Your Customer: How They Define Value

In 2004, when I launched Imagine, I wrote an article that stimulated a lot of conversation. I would...

The Most Common Mistake that Stalls B2B Sales & Revenue Growth

I will admit that as a student in high school and college, I hated science classes. It really...

How to Ensure Your Proposals Don’t Suck So You Win Business

Anyone involved in sales, marketing or demand generation should make it a point to get involved in...

The Executive's Guide to Effective Lead Nurturing

The following is an exerpt from our ebook The Executive's Guide to Effective Lead Nurturing Lead...