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Doug Davidoff

Dashboards:  Is Real-Time Reporting The Answer?

I’m a data fanatic. Everyone on my team knows that the first question I ask when someone brings up an idea, points out a problem or suggests we change paths is, “What data do you have that brings you to that conclusion?” I’m also rather OCD when it comes to reporting (as my friend and Databox’s CEO, Pete Caputa can attest). I want a report for just about everything (I think the only thing I like better than reports is a good deck), and I’m maniacal about what’s being reported and how it’s...

Deliverability:  Conquering The Email Marketing Problem

From the days when Google announced their “email killer” Wave, I’ve heard marketers and consultants...

The 10 Worst Vanity Metrics Every Marketer Uses

What you measure gets done...so be very careful about what you measure. The story of Moneyball is a...

The 5 Factors that Must be Considered Before Strategy/Tactics are Determined

It’s a dangerous time in the world of sales and marketing. There’s so much useful information,...

3 Reasons Lead Generation Efforts Fail

I’m in the process of writing a book (more news at that soon) and through that process, it’s led me...

Why Your Business Isn’t Growing Like You Think it Should

I see it all of the time. You provide an excellent service, a great product, or who knows; maybe...

[Video] Demand Creator Minute: Assess a Sales Opportunity

For me, one of the toughest judgments I have to make as a salesperson, manager or growth executive...

The Most Important Growth Dashboard in My Arsenal

Six weeks ago I wrote about the only metric that matters. That metric is the number of people in...

The Truth that Inbound Marketing Agencies Don’t Want You to Hear

At Imagine we work with growth obsessed, forward leaning executives who want to hear the truth...

How to Tell if Your CRM Database is Leveraging or Thwarting Your Investments in Sales Growth

When I first got into sales, a common refrain was that a salesperson is only as valuable as the...