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Doug Davidoff

What Aviation Can Teach Any Growth Executive About Acquiring Customers

Growing revenue is difficult, complex work. Fraught with uncertainties, lack of information and changing market dynamics means that those who are good at growing businesses are always managing trade-offs in the decisions they make. Charting your roadmap is difficult as well. There’s no shortage of “thought leaders” making grand claims that “this is the way to do it.” Of course most of these claims are made by someone that has a vested interest in what you do. Making sense of all of the...

To Build an Effective Playbook You Must Know What Game You're Playing

I admit that I spend far too much time on social media, especially Twitter and LinkedIn. I can’t...

What is an Investment Mindset & Why it’s Crucial if You’re Serious About Revenue Growth

Early last year (2017) I had the privilege to participate in a series of interviews that HubSpot...

HubSpot Sales Pro Sales Enablement Tool Review

Over the last three years, HubSpot has continued their commitment to the sales stack, while...

7 Reasons Hiring Salespeople is the Wrong First Step for Faster Growth

I see it time and time again. A company, seeking to accelerate revenue growth and customer...

5 Ways Salespeople Can Put People into the Top of the Marketing Funnel

I share a lot on the topic of sales and marketing alignment, but I’m convinced that the successful...

7 Reasons Your Sales & Marketing Organization Doesn't Need A Playbook

The Imagine team has invested quite a bit of time and energy into mastering the design, development...

4 Resources to Get 2018 off to an Explosive Start

I simply cannot believe how fast 2017 has flown by. Here at Imagine, we’re in the final days of...

3 Ways Salespeople Kill Sales at the End of the Month

When I was a salesperson, I loved December. It was the perfect time to close business. While...

How We Revitalized Our Email Strategy & Turned It Into An Advantage

Email is (still) a critical linchpin for sellers and marketers alike. Even as social media, chat...