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Doug Davidoff

Building The Bridge: A Story About How to Cut Your Sales Cycle In Half

Imagine Media, the publishing arm of The Imagine Companies, has released a new book titled, “Building The Bridge,” the first in a new series of business education novellas written for entrepreneurs building fast-growth businesses.

Great Stuff on Carnival of Marketing

Noah Kagan’s creation, carnival of marketing, is being hosted this week by Louis Gudema at Magic...

Saving Customers Money Is Good. Creating Value For Them Is Better.

I received an insightful comment on my posting, “The Hidden Truth About Creating Value.” The reader...

Rules to Live By

I was cleaning my office this past weekend and came across these rules. I felt they were worth...

The Opposite of a Remarkable Experience

Seth Godin got’s a great example of how the little things kill a client experience – the opposite...

Congrats Steelers & A Riff on Super Bowl Advertising

It is no secret to anyone who reads The Fast Growth Blog or anything else I write that I am no fan...

Imagine Business Development & Clients Featured In SmartCEO Magazine

Imagine Business Development and two of its clients were featured in Washington SmartCEO's February...

Should I Blog?

I just got turned on to the Church of The Customer Blog. I also went out and bought their book,...

It's Time To Stop Giving Customers What They Want!

I just sat through a three-hour workshop for CEOs on the topic of customer feedback. It made me...

The Broken Plate Theory

The key to successful growth is broken plates. Let me explain. There are only three resources...