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Doug Davidoff

A Four Seasons Experience Isn’t Always About A Four Seasons Experience

The Trouble With Automation

I’m all for automating processes to help make businesses more efficient. I certainly wouldn’t be...

The Challenge of Staying True To Your Core

Om Malik has an interesting post on Starbucks.

Why Salespeople Have Such A Bad Name

Sometimes, I just can't take it. As someone whose vocation and avocation is the professionalization...

The Trouble with Creatives

Spike Jones has an interesting post about awards season. I respect that as a creative, Spike...

Align Your Go-To-Market Model with Your Client’s Value Segment

A theme throughout everything that I write is the need to create value in every aspect of a...

Geoffrey Moore Nails It – Again

I just started reading Geoffrey Moore’s new book Dealing with Darwin and he nailed a point I’ve...

Thoughts On “The Ice Cream Maker”

Every now and then, several people tell me about a book at the same time. When this happens, I find...

A Follow Up On My Coffee Shop Experience

Regarding my Dec 22, 2005, posting – “Never Forget The Core Reason Why People Buy From You” -- Over...

How’s This For a Dating Strategy?

Scene: first date dinner, nice restaurant