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Doug Davidoff

Driving The Sales Process

One of the most painful experiences for salespeople is when they have presented their solution to prospects that clearly need it and clearly understand how they can benefit from it, but for some mysterious reason, they refuse to take action. When I am training salespeople, the most frequent questions they ask always begin with some variation of this scenario.

Why Doesn’t Advertising Work Anymore?

USA Today reports that 80% of marketers surveyed in a recent Association of National Advertisers...

Tell It To Me Like I’m A Six-Year-Old

In the 1993 movie, “Philadelphia,” Denzel Washington plays the role of a trial attorney. who asks...

How to Structure a Powerful Presentation

When you go-to-market, you must be able to make a compelling presentation to your selected...

Hiring Salespeople

In the recent bestseller, Freakonomics, the authors point out that when the esteemed economist,...

How to Kill Lead Generation In One Easy Step

I have been flooded recently with an extraordinary amount of sales literature, phone calls and...

The Laws of Lifetime Growth

While I often times reference a book in this blog, it is not often that I actually recommend one....

What Is Your Promise?

Do you make a compelling promise to your audience? Can you tell your potential customers what they...

Jack Trout Blows It

In a column for forbes.com, Jack Trout takes on word-of-mouth marketing (click here to read). Trout...

But, I Don’t Have Time…

These are the times that try men's souls. … Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we...