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Doug Davidoff

Conversations Don’t Happen by Accident: The 6 Strategies to Creating a Strong Chat Experience

Yesterday, Drift announced the latest enhancement to their conversational marketing platform, called Leadbot 2.0. Leadbot 2.0 increases the power available to marketers and salespeople utilizing chat while also drastically improving the user interface and ease in building out strong chat experiences. This news, combined with the leaps HubSpot has made with their soon-to-be-released update to their chat product, Messenger (I’ve had beta access to the product for the last month), means that the...

Why I Don’t Give My Head of Sales A Revenue/Sales Quota

Make the number! It’s probably the three words that dominate the thinking of salespeople and...

5 Steps to Design Your Pipeline to Shorten the Sales Cycle and Align Sales & Marketing

If any of these objectives are a high priority for you, read this post (if not, feel free to skip...

7 Ways to Improve Your Most Important Sales Growth Metric: Connect Rate

There are two schools of thought when it comes to prospecting effectiveness. One school focuses on...

What it Means to Be Inbound

I was talking with Meghan Anderson, VP Marketing for HubSpot, about how much has changed (and how...

5 Keys to The Effective Use of Technology

According to McKinsey, most companies achieve less than one-third of the impact they expected from...

3 Processes You Must Absolutely Master Now to Grow Revenue

While I’ve never been a principal in a manufacturing business, I’ve always envied the...

Is the Sales Development Process Still a Strong Strategy for Sales Growth?

Over the last decade, the hottest trend for fast-growth sales organizations is the birth and...

[Video] The 7 Reasons You Need a Playbook & 5 Reasons Why they Fail

Earlier this week we held a webinar highlighting both the importance of playbooks in generating...

Has the Time Come to Ungate Your Best Content?

As the the great marketing strategist, William Shakespeare, said, “To gate or ungate your best...