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Doug Davidoff

When is Free Too Expensive?

A new daily newspaper made its introduction to my neighborhood recently. It’s delivered to my door, it’s free, and I want it to stop. Yesterday, driving into my community, I realized I was not alone. All the other notices had been removed from our community bulletin board to make room for a large posting informing everyone how to have delivery of this paper (to which no one subscribed) stopped. Needless to say, I’ve made the call (though I still need to see how long it will take to get results).


I am a proponent of building a customer/client community. I am a big fan of word-of-mouth (WOM)...

Make A Promise

As companies look for ways to reinvigorate both the quality and rate of their growth in the...

When Does Transparency Lead to Commoditization?

Ben McConnell & Jackie Huba over at The Church of The Customer recently blogged about CoffeeCup...

Human Capital?

I recently heard a consultant talk about the need to recruit and retain talented “human capital.” I...

The Carnival of Marketing for May 7

There’s a lot of great stuff on the web to help anyone who is attempting to accelerate the growth...

The Problem With Marketing

I’d like to oversimplify the buying cycle for a moment. A buyer goes through six basic stages:

The Carnival of Marketing Coming to The Fast Growth Blog Next Week

We've had the honor of having several of our posts chosen for the weekly Carnival of Marketing. The...

The Dangers of Doing Things The Same

A True Story

Will Wal-Mart’s Lust for “Gracie” Be Its Deadly Sin

The Washington Post has an excellent article on Wal-Mart’s plan to go “upscale.”