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Doug Davidoff

Sales Lessons From Better Call Saul

Last week as I was recovering from an amazing Inbound 2018 conference, I sat back on my couch, turned on the digital recorder and started the episode of Better Call Saul that I missed while traveling to Boston. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm about as big a fan of Breaking Bad as there is, so if I can't get me any new stories about Walter White, then the transformation of Jimmy McGill to Saul Goodman (it's all good, man) is the next best thing. So I sat back, ready to escape into Jimmy's...

Salesforce CRM + HubSpot CRM: Two Great CRMs That (Could) Go Great Together

If you’re at all like me the mere thought of running two CRMs simultaneously makes about as much...

7 Key Takeaways From Inbound 2018

Another year…another Inbound--the largest marketing conference in the world. As the conference was...

What Is Lead Activation

After a decade of dominance, people are beginning to doubt—seriously doubt—the validity of demand...

5 Tips for Making a Strong First Connection with a Lead/Prospect

More money than ever is spent on the technology, people and process to enable organizations to...

The Critical Role of Intent in Demand Generation, Sales and Marketing

We've been doing a lot of research over the last year into a critical part of the buying process...

What it Means to be Data-Driven, How It’s Different from Metrics & How to Apply it

My daughter is entering her senior year in high school. I have to admit that there are times where...

New Research from SiriusDecisions is Bad News for Sales Teams - Here’s What to Do About it

A new research report from SiriusDecisions presents a pretty damning view on the state of sales...

Modern Lead Generation is Failing. 5 Critical Factors to Drive High-Velocity Customer Acquisition

A couple of weeks ago, I introduced a chronic problem plaguing the growth efforts of companies,...

Lead Activation Syndrome (LAS): The Ailment that is Costing You Millions $$$

Last week, I was going through some older files when I came across a standard presentation deck...